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Image by Alexandra Gorn



在我們昆士蘭州的團隊中,我們目前正在對我們的專職健康助理/專職健康治療實習生的支持系統進行重大改革。改革基於我們之前的 AHA/AHT 以及我們新畢業的治療師提供的反饋,即我們正在努力建立一個可持續、支持和可行的框架,以幫助我們新一代的臨床醫生成長。

在我們的臨床教育者和 AHT 協調員的支持下,我們已經納入了以下重點變革領域:

1. 根據專職醫療實習生的經驗和可用性水平逐步改變角色和任務;

2. 為每位學員指定一名主要主管,以確保他們定期獲得監督和支持;

3. 身體、社會心理和兒科案件量之間的輪換案件量;

4. AHA/AHT參與CPD和質量改進活動;

5. 對從 AHT 過渡到新的研究生/新手臨床醫生水平的成功候選人的忠誠度和績效獎勵

我們正在不斷審查這個模型,我們將邀請 AHA/AHT 為這個過程做出貢獻。我們相信它將繼續發展,為我們下一代 GRS 臨床醫生提供更好的支持和成長機會。


Casual basis

Allied Health Assistant (AHA)

(UG 1-3rd years/PG first year)

  • Supported by AHT co-ordinator and supervised clinician (case-based)

  • Implement therapy programs set up therapist

  • Assist with resource development and Ol projects

  • Participate in group therapy programs

  • Being introduced to low/medium level cases

  • May or may not have assigned clinician for individual development plan

  • Paid allowance to join in GRS group in-serivces/training workshops

Full-time employment

Allied Health Trainee (AHT)

(UG 4th year/PG 2nd year- after last placement till 6 months post graduate)- must be an AHT before

  • Supported by AHT co-ordinator, clinical educator (CE) and assigned clinician as primary supervisor

  • Some autonomy in conducting certain assessment/therapy under the guidance of the supervised clinician

  • Rotational caseload based on individual learning needs/developmental plan

  • Routine involvement in GRS group in-sericces/training workshops

  • Full completion of AHT competency tool

block days during placement breaks

Allied Health Assistant (AHA)

(UG 4th year/PG 2nd year- prior to last placement)

  • Supported by AHT co-ordinator and assigned clinician as primary supervisor

  • Opportunity to participate in certain assessments/develop assessment report under the guidance of the supervised clinician

  • Paid allowance to join in GRS group in-serivces/training workshops

  • Opportunity to be exploded in more complex cases

  • To commence the completion of AHT competency tool to develop relevant clinical skills

Full-time employment

Allied Health Trainee-Candidate (AHT-C)

New graduate/must be a graduate from AT traineeship program

  • Supported clinical educator (CE) and assigned senior clinician as primary supervisor

  • High level of autonomy in conducting certain assessment/therapy under the guidance of the supervised clinician

  • Rotational caseload based on individual learning needs/developmental plan

  • Routine invovlement in GRS group in-sericces/training workshops

  • Opportunity to become AHT coordinator- a valuable experince to higher level duty for service development and coordiantion

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