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Our Governance

How we make decisions

GRS 的誕生源於我們創始團隊為社會上有殘疾的人提供高質量、多學科醫療保健服務的願景。




在 2017 年 NDIS 成立的時候,我們的創始人看到了在這個嶄新項目當中對多學科服務的需求。這個新的政府資助的項目將有機會讓我們去提供高效、個性化和靈活的治療護理。更重要的是,我們希望我們在私立治療市場中注入公共衛生系統的精神,即保持高水平的質量保證並提供公平、合乎道德和循證的治療服務。


在過去四年中,我們的團隊不斷壯大,我們的服務範疇和服務治療不斷發展以滿足不斷變化的客戶需求,但我們的願景和使命始終如一。我們很自豪我們的機構我們由始至終, 100% 都是由服務于臨床的治療師指導和管理,並努力成為市場上同類服務機構質量和客戶滿意度的基準。因此,我們制定了我們的核心價值觀和使命,即熱情專業共情

我們誠摯地邀請您體驗 GRS 服務的特別之處,以及幫助我們繼續維護我們機構的核心企業價值觀並監督和指導我們臨床治療項目的實踐。

Our corporate governance is achieved through:

Governance committees

which are formed to support the leadership direction of the GRS’ Director & leadership team and ensure effective and timely decision making in the delivery of GRS’ objectives, operations and performance.


that establish key principles, responsibilities and accountabilities which guide the GRS’ service and how it is performed in clinical & administrative areas


and other supporting documents, which are designed to implement the operation and application of our policies.

Governance committees

Group policy and compliance committee (GPCC)

provides assurance and assistance to the Director on the GRS’ compliance management and internal/external accountability responsibilities as prescribed in legislation and standards.

Clinical excellence and risk management committee (CERC)

provides leadership and advice on clinical excellence, innovation and clinical risk management with a focus on optimising clinical outcomes for GRS service users, improving care and safety, championing evidence-based practice and clinical innovation, and supporting multidisciplinary team collaboration.

Finance and business management committee (FBMC)

reports to the Director and focuses on strategic resource decisions including budget development, financial management and controls, and emerging risks to funding, reporting, assets or resourcing. It also has the role in designing, developing, and reviewing business projects related to the GRS’ business operation.

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